Hi! WUZZ UP everyone?

Welcome to my blog! Hope ya like it! ; ]

Listen to this.....

MyHotComments SERIOUSLY: People think i'm wierd for going into another universe, haha lol just kiddin! ; }

O.M.G. I must get along with Edward Cullen reallllyyy well! We MUST have a ton in commen then!

The ultimate countdown! Yeahh! It's like magic!

My Music Picks, LOVE EM'

All Me ; ] Have Fun, always!

Amber In Wonderland, Land of Twilight, Trinidad & Tobago
I have a pup named Buster. Steelers, GO, FIGHT, WIN! YAAAYYY!1!1


  • Bolt, dog
  • Christmas, Halloween, Valentine's day
  • shopping-mall
  • BFF'S
  • elmo!
  • cheerleading-steelers
  • chinese food
  • blue and lime green
  • monkeys-chimps
  • Twilight-book

What should I name my chiuaua?

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Twilight!!1 oh yeah!

OK so lastnight was literally AWESOME.!!! We waited in line for 2 hours to watch the movie Twilight. Natalie, Sabrina, Kennedy, Sammie, Mariah, Hopper, and me! We got seats at the top it was sooo cool! We went to her house afterwards and played truth or dare, boy did Sam get a hard dare!WOW! I'm not going to say what but it was pure
pier pressure.


Natalie said...

oh yeahhh!lol go on sams blog!

KAM! said...

Yes sounds fun?? I heard you tried out to be a model...I SOOOO wish I would do that! :( I also wish I did fun stuff like this and went to fun party's.....but I don't...lol check out ma blog!
