Hi! WUZZ UP everyone?

Welcome to my blog! Hope ya like it! ; ]

Listen to this.....

MyHotComments SERIOUSLY: People think i'm wierd for going into another universe, haha lol just kiddin! ; }

O.M.G. I must get along with Edward Cullen reallllyyy well! We MUST have a ton in commen then!

The ultimate countdown! Yeahh! It's like magic!

My Music Picks, LOVE EM'

All Me ; ] Have Fun, always!

Amber In Wonderland, Land of Twilight, Trinidad & Tobago
I have a pup named Buster. Steelers, GO, FIGHT, WIN! YAAAYYY!1!1


  • Bolt, dog
  • Christmas, Halloween, Valentine's day
  • shopping-mall
  • BFF'S
  • elmo!
  • cheerleading-steelers
  • chinese food
  • blue and lime green
  • monkeys-chimps
  • Twilight-book

What should I name my chiuaua?

Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving, gobble gobble!!!

I was so excited for Thanksgiving! My cousin came and my grandma and granpa, my uncle too [Maggie, Elsa, Hector,and, Hector]. I forgot, they brought there little chihuahua with them [chiqueta]. They treated her like a Hollywood dog, SERIOUSLY! She had a little purse [pink and black bows] that my grandma would carrie her around in, WOW! My grangma pays 300 dollars just to get chiquetas teeth cleaned! Me and my cousin loved her so much that we are each getting a chiuaua ourselves for free cause luckily my grandma got hers from her friend, she came off the street, so thats how we're getting our chiuauas too! I'm going to treat mine like a Hollywood dog too! Should I name her Princess or Roxxi?

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