Hi! WUZZ UP everyone?

Welcome to my blog! Hope ya like it! ; ]

Listen to this.....

MyHotComments SERIOUSLY: People think i'm wierd for going into another universe, haha lol just kiddin! ; }

O.M.G. I must get along with Edward Cullen reallllyyy well! We MUST have a ton in commen then!

The ultimate countdown! Yeahh! It's like magic!

My Music Picks, LOVE EM'

All Me ; ] Have Fun, always!

Amber In Wonderland, Land of Twilight, Trinidad & Tobago
I have a pup named Buster. Steelers, GO, FIGHT, WIN! YAAAYYY!1!1


  • Bolt, dog
  • Christmas, Halloween, Valentine's day
  • shopping-mall
  • BFF'S
  • elmo!
  • cheerleading-steelers
  • chinese food
  • blue and lime green
  • monkeys-chimps
  • Twilight-book

What should I name my chiuaua?

Saturday, November 29, 2008


OK so there were exactly 104 people auditioning including me! They were picking picking seven people only. I placed...... 8TH PLACE OUT OF 104 PEOPLE! It's too bad they were only taking 7, at least I got 8th place! ;} !!!!!! YAY ME!!!.........
But hey, if, if one out of the seven people they picked chooses to back out then I will be in!


Natalie said...

YAY AMBER! did u tell samuelk? lol

A day in the life of the Campbell's said...

sam tottaly cheated he voted 2 for chloe

Natalie said...

haha.... love the new background..... y dont you post more often