Hi! WUZZ UP everyone?

Welcome to my blog! Hope ya like it! ; ]

Listen to this.....

MyHotComments SERIOUSLY: People think i'm wierd for going into another universe, haha lol just kiddin! ; }

O.M.G. I must get along with Edward Cullen reallllyyy well! We MUST have a ton in commen then!

The ultimate countdown! Yeahh! It's like magic!

My Music Picks, LOVE EM'

All Me ; ] Have Fun, always!

Amber In Wonderland, Land of Twilight, Trinidad & Tobago
I have a pup named Buster. Steelers, GO, FIGHT, WIN! YAAAYYY!1!1


  • Bolt, dog
  • Christmas, Halloween, Valentine's day
  • shopping-mall
  • BFF'S
  • elmo!
  • cheerleading-steelers
  • chinese food
  • blue and lime green
  • monkeys-chimps
  • Twilight-book

What should I name my chiuaua?

Saturday, November 29, 2008


OK so there were exactly 104 people auditioning including me! They were picking picking seven people only. I placed...... 8TH PLACE OUT OF 104 PEOPLE! It's too bad they were only taking 7, at least I got 8th place! ;} !!!!!! YAY ME!!!.........
But hey, if, if one out of the seven people they picked chooses to back out then I will be in!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving, gobble gobble!!!

I was so excited for Thanksgiving! My cousin came and my grandma and granpa, my uncle too [Maggie, Elsa, Hector,and, Hector]. I forgot, they brought there little chihuahua with them [chiqueta]. They treated her like a Hollywood dog, SERIOUSLY! She had a little purse [pink and black bows] that my grandma would carrie her around in, WOW! My grangma pays 300 dollars just to get chiquetas teeth cleaned! Me and my cousin loved her so much that we are each getting a chiuaua ourselves for free cause luckily my grandma got hers from her friend, she came off the street, so thats how we're getting our chiuauas too! I'm going to treat mine like a Hollywood dog too! Should I name her Princess or Roxxi?

Monday, November 24, 2008

Auditions, [MODELING / ACTING!]

It was kind of nervewrecking going up to fill out a slip. I was'nt excpecting to audition in front of every person there, WOW! I acted out an m&m commercial then I was asked to do a strut walk. I felt at ease later in the audition. Me and my dad went up to do the interview and I was'nt that nervous. I WONDER..... WILL I BE ONE OF THE 7 PEOPLE ACCEPTED?

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Twilight!!1 oh yeah!

OK so lastnight was literally AWESOME.!!! We waited in line for 2 hours to watch the movie Twilight. Natalie, Sabrina, Kennedy, Sammie, Mariah, Hopper, and me! We got seats at the top it was sooo cool! We went to her house afterwards and played truth or dare, boy did Sam get a hard dare!WOW! I'm not going to say what but it was pure
pier pressure.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

How Exciting! B-DAY?

Natalies b-day party is coming up and she will be turning twelve! We will be seing Twilight. I am soooooo excited! I have waited and waited for this movie to come out for sooo long, in fact I'm almost done with the book. HOPEFULLY I will be able to finish it by Nat's b-day, HOPEFULLYYY!!!!!!


I saw Natalie and Kennedy at our cheer banquet, Linda too! It was fun they showed a slide show of us and our stunts and everything. I got the trophy and a dvd of the slideshows. I ate ice cream. It was Natalies b-day too, hurray!!!!! "HAPPY B-DAY 2 U!!!"

Monday, November 17, 2008


Natalie, Sabrina, Mariah, and I went to the Bengles football game to see Sam and Derek. We met a whole bunch of people too like this one girl was really nice! The Steelers lost the championship though. We had the dome dance and I was proud for locking in my knees and making it down safely for the full stunt! I got roses too! We put glitter in our hair and outfits. I HAD FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Me and Natalie have so much fun going to the movies with Hopper and Sabrina. We went trick-or-treating with Cheyenne and went to a creepy house. there was a Halloween party there with Kennedy, Kami, and Devon too. We had a dome dance and had a sleepover playing truth or dare. Now here we are at my house calling Samantha![SAM!]MY BF